This is an OpenTimestamps Calendar Server (v0.7.1)

Pending commitments: 62607
Transactions waiting for confirmation: 0
Most recent unconfirmed timestamp tx: 9a59778943b3f69cd2d87a533d8761e96e6f9400cff45ab7b80ff7ab7aff499d (190 prior versions)
Most recent merkle tree tip: b561f2ea83f8fea6eca77904a02c5d6aff9d23b320c34f13f0d9470db27d61d4
Best-block: 000000000000000000003929aaa618df4e61fd3b85fe4079c6d7ae31b4cfcdef, height 840594

Wallet balance: 0.0003866 BTC (confirmed)

You can donate to the wallet by sending funds to:


You can also donate with Lightning:


Average time between transactions in the last week: 84.0 hours
Fees used in the last week: 0.00036070 BTC

Latest mined transactions (confirmations):

bc93acaea018a7beee981fdc54dff104409095e6c5514e87e8ac6fe5ae69ee4c -0.00010625 (316)
263680dc9eb129045a2ad49ee744cef97f22471fc1750d8e9eedd04a1204ecd3 -0.00025445 (477)